Abbotsford International Airshow

Today, my family drove to Abbotsford to see the airshow over there. I didn’t really know what to expect because I didn’t have a clear picture of what would probably happen. When we got to the place, I could see food trucks, a kids area, and lots of umbrellas everywhere. I was interested in the kids area, which was sponsored by McDonald’s, but it wasn’t set up yet. In the meantime, we set up camp in a good spot. Around us, I saw people with umbrellas that could stand up by themselves versus our umbrellas that had to be handheld. there were even a few tents. One tent that was very close to our “camp” had lots of kids inside. I could hear them playing “real life Among Us”. For example, I heard a few phrases like “I’m not the ImPosTeR!!” and “DoN’t VoTe mE oUt!” stuff like that. Those kids should grow up.

Later, when the kids area was set up, my sister wanted to go there, so dad went with her. Later, I decided to go there too, as nothing was really happening. But when I came to the entrance to the kids area, the person there asked where my parents were, and I told them they were inside the area already. But they still didn’t allow me in, and said I needed to have parents with me. Seriously, what? So, I go around the fencing, to try and find dad, and told him about the parent thing. So, when I went to the entrance this time, I could enter. Maybe I should’ve just jumped the fencing to skip the hassle.

In there, there were 4 inflated places. The first one I went to was like an obstacle course race. I raced my sister, and realized how big of an advantage I had: I could just jump, and I would skip an entire obstacle. So, I just jumped through the course. When I clearly won, my sister blamed it on the little kids who were still inside the course.

The next building was a pirate ship, which inside was just where you climb up a rock wall, if you could even call it a rock wall, and then slide down (you guessed it) a slide, and possibly get a burn from the friction.

After I exited that very boring attraction, I went to investigate a bouncy castle which was supposed to resemble a fire station and a fire truck. That reminded me of this one time at my elementary school when we had a carnival at the school, and there was this building that was meant to be “on fire” and you had to jump down into a safe “trampoline.” But it was nothing like it, because this was a kids play area for little kids I was in, and that is when I realized how probably very few people around my age were here at the airshow.

There was this last building, the 4th building, which was basically a “sports” area. There were 4 corners, one for soccer, one for basketball, one for baseball, and another one which I don’t remember what it was. Or maybe there were only three. The only corner I was interested in was the baseball one, because how it worked is there would be a hole blowing air out, and you would “drop” a ball into the airflow, and the ball would stay there. Then you would hit the ball. I was surprised as I expected the air to blow the ball left or right or forward or backward.

After that, I spent a few minutes sweating in the sun to clean off this hay or grass that was getting on my socks. then, I jumped the fence.

Back at “camp,” there were finally some interesting things that were happening. Such as some skydiving Skyhawks, which were doing some really cool tricks. One spun around and around and around, creating a corkscrew smoke effect.

After the Skyhawks, we saw some biplanes. One of them had oversized wings, and was doing a lot of tricks. I didn’t find this part interesting, though.

Later, we saw some USAF Thunderbirds perform, with F-16s. When they first came out, I didn’t realize they were coming from behind us, and together with the noise, that scared me. Otherwise, the Thunderbirds’ performance was very stunning to watch. Some cool parts were when they created a heart in the sky; split up into 4 directions, and then came back in those same 4 directions, and went straight up; and such. My only complaint is that they are super loud.

After the Thunderbirds, my sister and my dad with me checked out the rest of the place. We saw an ICBC tent, which was about impaired drivers. There were some goggles which made you see like an impaired driver, and let you walk across a straight line. It was very hard, as it messed up your coordination and other things. The Abbotsford police also had a tent which was about impaired drivers as well.

We decided to go back to “camp,” and while we were walking back, we saw some F-35s fly by, the new stealth plane. By the time we got back, nothing was happening, so we decided to go home. We could still see some of the show though, such as the return of the oversized wing plane, and a helicopter.






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