The Cable Pyramid

Today, my family drove to the Willoughby Community Park, which was near the Langley Events Centre. I had a lot of fun there, where I went on the reddish-brown plastic slide that twirled around a pole. I also played the game hide and seek with my sister and a Chinese kid from Shanghai (I forgot to ask for his name). We would have kept on playing, but the Chinese kid had to go home when he was It. I was in a great spot, lying down on the 2nd floor of what seemed to be a watchtower. The floor had lots of holes in it, which was expected.

Best Playgrounds in the Lower Mainland | Family Travel Blog
This is the playground. But in this photo, you can’t see the slide I went on.
Photos at Langley Events Centre - Willoughby - Langley, BC
In this photo, you can see the slide.

Now, this playground had a pyramid. I had gone on one of those pyramids before. They were made of ropes enforced with cables hidden inside. All of them had one thing in common; the top of the pyramid would always be very high.

[Photo of rope pyramid still to be found…]

I still remember the time I went on a similar one when I was younger, the times I would always wear a blue baseball cap. My dad had a video of it too. In the video, I had gone to the top without fright. But that was before. This time, I was older but much more scared about heights.

This time, I did manage to go high, but not to the very top. My dad said he wasn’t able to see my face, because he – on purpose – put the camera to where it could only see the top of the pyramid. Of course, I did not want to go any higher. But when he promised a Quarter Pounder from McDonald’s, I went higher. I felt like I needed to go back down to where I was straight away, but I managed to stay up for a little longer until he made another request; he wanted me to stand up. Of course, when he said that, I was already scared, and had tears ready to go. I went back to where I originally was and did not feel like going back up. He kept pushing me though and said some sentences (not to me) that made me ashamed of not going to the top. So with the last attempt I wanted to make, I went up. He took the photo, and my troubles were over. When I got down, I started questioning if that was really worth the Quarter Pounder, with how frightful the experience was.






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